Friday, October 24, 2008

Gryf Homework

A cypher! I love these things - used to do them in the paper every weekend. Here's the answer:

"Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than for being right."
Hermione Granger

Bonus #1: Bill Weasley (after being bitten by Fenrir Grayback)
Bonus #2: Well, Slughorn had the antidote to the love potion and gave it to Ron, but then, he accidently poisoned him again, so Harry had to use the bezoar.

Have a great weekend, fellow Gryfs! I'll be working on my swappee's kit! ROAR!


CentyB said...

Great effort - love the answer for number 2. Very complete. :)

SinKnitty said...

dito! ;)

Ferula's Fen said...

Aww, shucks! Thanks ladies!

M.L. Shioda said...

i could never get those things... my brain works in a different way.